John Newton: Author of Amazing Grace by Anne Sandberg

For over 200 years now people worldwide have been singing the song "Amazing Grace" written by John Newton. It is included in hymnals of most traditional and evangelical churches.

Not everyone knows the story of John Newton. He was an English sailor in the Royal Navy and later a captain of slave ship. He was a former blasphemer who found God's grace. He became an ordained evangelical Anglican cleric and served an a pastor for two decades. He was respected by both the state Church and the nonconformist. His preaching was so popular that many people flocked to hear him. He later became a prominent supporter of abolitionism with his friend Wilberforce living to see Britain's abolition of the African slave trade in 1807.

This biography also contains a real touching love story. The story behind the author of the popular hymn "Amazing Grace."

Amy Carmichael: Selfless Servant of India by Sam Wellman

Amy Carmichael is best known as the courageous single woman missionary who rescued many girls of India from horrible abuse. Amy was always helping the poor and disadvantaged even as a 16 year old in Belfast she started a Sunday morning class for the poor women of the community and was successful in helping 100's of women.


Amy became convinced of a personal call to missionary work after hearing Hudson Taylor speak at a Keswick Convention in 1887. She is best known for her respect of Indian culture by dressing in traditional Indian clothing and rescuing small children both girls and boys from temple prostitution. She served as a missionary in India for 55 years without furlough opening an orphanage and founding a mission in Dohnavur. Amy's work in India became well known because of the many books she has written about her missionary work there.


An inspiring biography of a courageous woman Amy Carmichael a selfless servant of India.

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity by Nabeel Qureshi

Nabeel Qureshi was raise in a loving Muslim home where he learned to develop a passion for Islam. He gives valuable insights into a devoted Muslim family, their culture and their religious instructions and beliefs.

Qureshi describes his journey from Islam to Christianity, his difficulties and questions about the Christian faith and his investigation into the claims of Christianity. He also researched and investigated Muhammad and the Quran in an attempt to confirm Islam as a superior faith to Christianity. Unable to deny the arguments presented by the Christian faith he struggled with the implications of his discovery. How will this change his relationship with his family and the Muslim community?

A devout Muslim encounters Christianity seeking Allah, finding Jesus.

When God Goes to Starbucks: A Guide to Everyday Apologetics by Paul Copan

Another apologetics book by Paul Copan, he attempts to provide the Christian reader with practical answers to tough questions often asked by the critics of Christianity.

Questions related to one's worldview or philosophy of life such as:

Aren't miracles unscientific?

Don't only gullible people believe in miracles?

Aren't people born gay?

Don't people from all religions experience God?

Questions specifically related to Christianity such as:

How can the psalms say such vindictive and hateful things?

Aren't the Bible's "Holy Wars" just like Islamic Jihad?

Was Jesus mistaken about an early second coming?

A great book giving the Christian comprehensive answers to difficult questions. Each chapter contains a chapter summary for quick reference.

John Bunyan by William H. Harding

A biography of John Bunyan the famous author of the classic book The Pilgrim's Progress written from jail in 1678 selling over 100,000 copies in John Bunyan's lifetime. John Bunyan, the tinker of Bedford, wrote 9 book during his first 6 years in prison and 2 more book during his second imprisonment. Bunyan was imprisoned for preaching the gospel which was against the law in England for those who were not recognized clergy. Bunyan pastored a little non-conformist church in Bedford and for this reason he was jailed 3 times over a 12 year period.

Bunyan became known throughout England for his writing, his preaching, and his stand against injustice.

Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box by the Arbinger Institute

When a leader lives in self-deception his view of reality is distorted. People are treated as a means to an end, as objects instead of people. This book calls this condition being "in the box." Over time this type of thinking provokes others to think the same way creating mutual mistreatment. This collusion keeps everyone in the company, office or ministry "in the box." This "in the box" thinking creates all kinds of problems lack of motivation, poor teamwork, communication problems and lack of productivity to name a few. The book of course explains how to get free of this type of destructive thinking "getting out of the box."

Christianizing the Roman Empire A.D. 100-400 by Ramsay MacMullen

Ramsay MacMullen an historian of ancient Rome examines the Christianization of the Rome world. Prior to 313 A.D. with the Edict of Milan Christianity had not been tolerated in the Rome Empire yet a great mass of people still became Christians over a half a million in each generation from the end of the first century up to 313 A.D. 

MacMullen concludes that one of the primary reasons the pagans of the Rome Empire converted to Christianity was because of the supernatural elements of Christianity such as miracles, healings and confrontation of demon spirits. After Christianity became tolerated in the Rome Empire many turned to Christianity because of the advantages of being a Christian.

John Wesley by C.E. Vulliamy

The fascinating and inspiring biography on the life of John Wesley the leader of the Methodism movement. This book gives a detailed account of his life covering his early childhood and family life, his years at Oxford and the organization of the holy club, his failures in America that lead to his conversion through the influence of the Moravians and his preaching and travelling throughout the British Isles enduring hardship and persecution. The great Methodism revival that was sparked under the leadership of John Wesley. The book also looks at the friends of Wesley including George Whitefield and others who he influenced and raised up in the Methodism movement, his impact, accomplishments and legacy.

The Essential Guide to Healing: Equipping all Christians to Pray for the Sick by Bill Johnson & Randy Clark

I especially liked the stories in this book including the personal journey of Bill and Randy. The case built for healing and the gifts of the Spirit in the section A Theology of Healing is absolutely essential that the Christian understand and believe lest they become an unbelieving believer.

The practical section of the book called The Practice of Healing is so useful for those who want to know how to pray for the sick.

The relational five-step prayer model is especially helpful as a template for healing prayer.

George Whitefield: God's Anointed Servant in the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century by Arnold A. Dallimore

This is a fascinating biography on the life of George Whitefield. This book is a shorter version of Dallimore's two volume set by the same title.

Whitefield was first among the English reformers of the 18th century. He was one of the leaders of Methodism the Calvinistic branch of Methodism but he preferred to be called simply "the servant of all."

It was Whitefield who sparked the American Great Awakening through his preaching in the colonies. Whitefield visited the colonies 13 times and died in America. He drew large crowds where ever he preached in the British Isles and America. He was amongst the first to preach in the open air because the large crowds could not be held in a building.

This biography of George Whitefield is both informative and inspiring.

Frozen in Time: The Woolly Mammoth, The Ice Age And The Bible by Michael Oard

Meterologist and author Michael Oard helps unlock the mystery surrounding the Ice Age and the death of the now extinct creature called the woolly mammoth.

Here are some of the questions this book addresses:

What would cause the summer temperatures of North America and Europe to plummet more than 50 degrees Fahrenheit?

Why did mammoths become extinct across the entire world at the same time?

Why are the mammoth carcasses found generally in a standing position?

How could these carcasses still have partially decayed food in their stomachs?

What was the source of the abnormal amount of moisture necessary for heavy snow during the Ice Age?

What caused the cold summer temperatures and heavy snowfall to persist for hundreds of years?

Oard tackles many of the Ice Age topics that people question. He presents a plausible explanation for the Ice Age explaining how it was caused by the Genesis flood recorded in the Bible.

On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision by William Lane Craig

On Guard is like an apologetics manual written to equip the Christian to make a case for the truth of the Christian faith. Craig says we should be able to present a defense of the Christian faith without becoming defensive.

The first half of the book presents and explains arguments for the existence of God. The cosmological argument - God is the cause of the universe. The design argument - the universe is fine-tuned for life and God is the designer behind it. The moral argument - can we be good without God? The problem of suffering - This is one of the objections to the existence of God but God is the only solution to the problem of suffering.

In the second half of the book Craig talks about Who Jesus is? Did he rise from the dead? Is Jesus the only way to God?

On Guard is a great tool for the Christian who desires to make a case for the truth of the Christian faith.

The Holy War by John Bunyan

John Bunyan was a 17th century Puritan writer who is best known for his allegory The Pilgrims Progress. The Holy War is another one of John Bunyan's allegorical stories. 

The Holy War depicts the struggle in the human soul between good and evil. Mansoul was a town created by the benevolent King Shaddai but the giant Diabolus and his followers are successful in attacking and taking control of the town. Emmanuel the son of King Shaddai frees the people of Mansoul from the evil control of Diabolus and his forces setting up his residence in the town. Some of the Diabolonians influence and encourage some of the town people to rebel against Emmanuel and he eventually leaves the town. Mansoul is once again vulnerable to attack by the forces of Diabolus. Many of the town people petition Emmanuel to return, Diabolus seeks to corrupt the town in order to make it vulnerable to his next attack. Why hasn't Emmanuel returned to Mansoul to protect them from their enemies? 

A fascinating story of struggle and redemption.

Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking and Health by Dr. Caroline Leaf

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and audiologist who has worked in the area of cognitive neuroscience. This book tells us that science agrees with what the Bible has been telling us all along. "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. ...." (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV) our thinking good or bad shapes who we are. Leaf says our thinking changes the physical nature of our brain. Toxic thoughts can change your brain wiring in a negative direction throwing your mind and body into stress. We can wire out toxic patterns of thinking and replace them with healthy thought patterns a mind renewal process (Romans 12:2). This book presents brain science that corresponds to Biblical teaching on the Christians thought life.

The book also includes the 21 Day Brain Detox Plan.

Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices by Thomas Brooks

Thomas Brooks was a Puritan who wrote this book in the 1600's. This book is similar to C. S. Lewis' book "The Screwtape Letters" in exposing the schemes of Satan against the Christian. It is a book I had to read slowly because of its depth.

The book talks about Satan's devices used against the Christian to draw the Christian into sin, to keep the Christian from living a victorious Christian life, to keep the Christian from spiritual growth and to ensnare the Christian. Brooks presents Satan's devices followed by a number of remedies for these devices. The book is filled with over a 100 precious remedies against Satan's devices.

Lights In The Sky & Little Green Men: A Rational Christian Look at UFOs and Extraterrestrials by Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples & Mark Clark

There is a wide variety of beliefs and theories about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. These authors attempt to answer the questions that many of us have about this subject.

Could life exist on other planets?

Have extraterrestrials visited our world?

Does documentation exist for UFO sightings and landings?

What has been the government's involvement in UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena?

Is there a relationship between UFOs and the supernatural?

How should the Christian approach this subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life? 

Each author is uniquely qualified to provide answers to these questions giving us a balanced look at a controversial subject.

This is the best Christian book that I have found on this subject.

The Seven Mountain Prophecy: Unveiling the Coming Elijah Revolution by Johnny Enlow

Enlow talks about the seven pillars of society that shapes our culture Media, Government, Education, Economy, Family, Religion and (Arts & Entertainment). These are the seven specific areas that the Lord has assigned the Church to influence in order to advance the Kingdom of God in our nation.

The book defines and describes each one of these seven mountains or mind-molders of society. It talks about a multi-pronged approach in taking these mountains for the Kingdom of God.

Loren Cunningham (Youth With a Mission) and Bill Bright (Campus Crusade) were separately given this same revelation. They both were told that there are seven mountains of society that must be taken. These seven mountains are mind-molders of influence in our society and they must be taken if the nation is to be taken with the Gospel.

Enlow also talks about the coming Elijah Revolution, a revolution that God will bring about in the Church. This revolution will eradicate stagnation and the status quo, it will bury dead religion and resurrect the Church, it will overhaul and transform how we think and act.

Seven Mountain Prophecy.jpg

Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed by Philip Hallie

The true story about a little Protestant village in German occupied France who saved the lives of about 5,000 Jewish refugees most of them children. The Nazis party killed over a million children during the II World War. The village of Le Chambon was one of the safest place in Europe for children during the war years. The Le Chambon villagers and their clergy organized to save 1,000's of Jewish children and adults from the Nazi SS. This village was known for harboring Jewish refugees by the SS. and the Germans were capable of massacring a village that dared to resist their will. Under the leadership of Andre Trocme who was the soul of Le Chambon these villagers continued to do what they believed to be the right thing.

If God is Good: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil by Randy Alcorn

Those who have experienced suffering often ask the question how can there be a God if suffering and evil exist? The atheist answers this question by simply claiming that the presence of suffering and evil in this world proves that there is no God. This is one of the controversies this book attempts to address.

Randy Alcorn provides a detailed and systematic analysis of suffering giving us a keen biblical understand of the subject. He examines the problem of evil and suffering helping us to understand the origin, nature and consequences of evil. He examines the issue of divine sovereignty and human choice. He talks about why God allows evil and suffering, how God restrains evil and suffering and how to live with suffering.

The book is not just a systematic theological treatment of the subject. Alcorn fills the book with insights and individual stories from the lives of people. People whose lives have been torn apart by suffering and have survived it with a refined faith.

The Destiny of Islam in the EndTimes: Understanding God's Heart for the Muslim People by Faisal Malick

Faisal Malick knows how Muslims think because he was one making him uniquely equipped to education the Christian about the Islamic people. This book is written "by a Muslim-turned-Christian." Faisal talks about his own conversion story.

This book will soften your heart toward the Muslim people giving you a greater love and appreciation for them. They are not the unredeemable enemy of God's people exclusively responsible for world terrorism. They are one of the world's unreached people group who need the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What is God's plan for the Muslim people? What about terrorism and Islam? How do we reach the Muslim people? Faisal Malick offer a unique perspective on these questions.