Frozen in Time: The Woolly Mammoth, The Ice Age And The Bible by Michael Oard

Meterologist and author Michael Oard helps unlock the mystery surrounding the Ice Age and the death of the now extinct creature called the woolly mammoth.

Here are some of the questions this book addresses:

What would cause the summer temperatures of North America and Europe to plummet more than 50 degrees Fahrenheit?

Why did mammoths become extinct across the entire world at the same time?

Why are the mammoth carcasses found generally in a standing position?

How could these carcasses still have partially decayed food in their stomachs?

What was the source of the abnormal amount of moisture necessary for heavy snow during the Ice Age?

What caused the cold summer temperatures and heavy snowfall to persist for hundreds of years?

Oard tackles many of the Ice Age topics that people question. He presents a plausible explanation for the Ice Age explaining how it was caused by the Genesis flood recorded in the Bible.