Think Christianly by Jonathan Morrow
The subtitle reads looking at the intersection of Faith and Culture
As Tim Keller says “There is no more crucial issue facing us today than the relationship of the Church and the gospel to contemporary culture.” This book is about engaging the world and the culture, we live in. Each chapter of the book contains an in-depth discussion about a specific aspect of contemporary culture including an interview with an authority on the subject and a list of resources for each topic considered. The book examines topics such as Jesus, the Bible, truth, tolerance, relativism, sexuality, social media, injustice, faith in the public square, faith & science, bioethics and stewarding God’s creation.
How can Christians make the case for Christian marriage in a culture that thinks Christians are backward, bigoted and intolerant? Is it reasonable to believe that Christianity is actually true anymore? Why is the next generation not embracing the Christianity of their parents? There are many questions this book addresses that every informed Christian should think about.