Case for a Creator for Kids by Lee Strobel

This book talks about the confusion kids face in their science class at school as they learn about the origin of the world compared to what they have been taught in Sunday School.

The author asks the question Who is right? Science or God? School or Church? Both? Neither?

The book looks at three big questions. How the universe was formed and was God involved in the origin of the universe? How the universe works? The origin of human life?

Strobel also includes a story section to help kids communicate Biblical truth to others.

Case for Christ for Kids by Lee Strobel

You may have read the adult version of this book; the kid’s version is much simpler so that a child can read and understand it. The book explores who Jesus is, what did others say about him? What did he say about himself? Does Jesus fit the picture of the Old Testament Messiah? What did His friends say about Him? Did his friends tell the truth about Him? Did Jesus really die? Did Jesus really come back from the dead?

Strobel also includes a story section to help kids communicate Biblical truth to others.

The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer

This book explores the attributes of God. Tozer says “Without doubt the mightiest thought the mind can entertain is the thought of God.” He also says “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” For these reasons it is important to have a complete Biblical understanding and Knowledge of the Holy.

Sword and Scimitar by Raymond Ibrahim

The subtitle reads Fourteen Centuries of War Between Islam and the West.

Ibrahim gives us an accurate history of the wars between Islam and Christianity. He trances Muhammad’s rise to power and Islam’s conflict with Christendom. Ibrahim describes the major battles between Islam and Christianity, the defeat and destruction of the four major Christian centers Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople, the crusades, the siege of Spain and the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire.

The Preacher’s Portrait by John R.W. Stott

The subtitle reads Five New Testament Word Studies

Stott looks at five New Testament words that give us a portrait of the preacher and his task. The preacher is a steward, herald, witness, father, and servant. These words give us a clear view of God’s revealed ideal for the preacher.

The Book of Jubilees by R.H. Charles

The Book of Jubilees also called the Little or Lesser Genesis is considered a pseudepigrapha book by Protestants and Catholics. Some groups both Jewish and Christian consider it a canonical book.

It was well known and read by early Christians because the early Christian writers quoted from the book of Jubilees.

The book itself parallels the book of Genesis and early part of Exodus from the Creation to the Passover.

The chronology given in Jubilees is based on multiples of seven; the Jubilees are periods of 49 years (seven "year-weeks"), into which all of time has been divided.

The book offers some interesting commentary on the Genesis and Exodus.

The Shadow of the Galilean by Gerd Theissen

The subtitle reads the quest of the historical Jesus in narrative form.

This book is a historical novel that unfolds during the time that Jesus lived and preached in Galilee. The characters and episodes fit seamlessly into the historical narrative found in the Gospels. The story never takes you close enough to catch sight of Jesus face to face you only catch sight of his shadow. You hear the stories and talk to the people who were influenced by his ministry. You hear the market-place gossip and the campfire tales about Jesus, the things he said and did.

Divine Healing Made Simple by Praying Medic

The subtitle reads simplifying the supernatural to make healing and miracles a part of your everyday life.

The praying medic is a former atheist who has worked as a paramedic for decades. He first began praying for his patients with little success but as he persisted, he began to see results. Over the years he has seen thousands of people healed.

Much of the book is a compilation of what he has learned as a street healer. It is both practical and inspirational.

What kind of impact would the Church have in our world if we began to serve others by praying for the sick not just in the Church building but on the street?

The Rabbi, the Secret Message, and the identity of Messiah by Carl Gallups

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, one of the most respected Rabbi’s in Israel and in the Jewish community around the world, had a note published a year after his death revealing the identity of the Jewish Messiah. The cryptic note revealed the Messiah as Yehoshua/Yeshua Hebrew for Jesus. This note caused a firestorm of controversy and charges that the note was a fake.

This compelling true story is found in Carl Gallups new book The Rabbi, the Secret Message, and the identity of Messiah.

Islam and North America by Micah Fries & Keith Whitfield

The subtitle reads Loving our Muslim Neighbors.

The Church in North America needs some guidance when it comes to engaging Muslims with the gospel. With the influx of Muslim immigrates into North America the Church has an unprecedented opportunity to reach their Muslim neighbors.

This book talks about the growth of Islam in North America, the realities, challenges and opportunities of living in a multi-faith society, what Muslims believe and how they differ from Christianity, how to dialogue with your Muslim neighbors, misunderstandings we have about Muslims, sharia law, do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Should Christians support the rights of Muslims to practice Islam freely in North America?

Each chapter is written by a different author.

The Apostolic Fathers by Moody Press

This is a book containing a modern translation of some early Christian publications written in the 1st and 2nd century. These books include letters, sermons, moral guides and early Christian fiction. The early publications included in this book are I & 11 Clement - letters written to encourage early Christian believers by Clement a leading Christian bishop of Rome. The letters of Ignatius written by Ignatius a bishop of Antioch. Letter of Polycarp to the Philippians, the Martyrdom of Polycarp. Polycarp was a disciple of John the Apostle. The Didache this is a manual of church discipline. The Pastor of Hermas is an allegorical writing like Pilgrims Progress.

Susie The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon wife of Charles H. Spurgeon by Ray Rhodes Jr.

Most Christians have heard of Charles H. Spurgeon the “Prince of Preachers” the famous English Baptist preacher who pastored a Mega-Church in London in the 1800’s the New Park Street Chapel later called the Metropolitan Tabernacle.

Susannah Spurgeon the wife of Charles Spurgeon was also a powerful Christian influence. She extended the fame of her husband in England and all over the world even after his death through the free distribution of his sermons and books. Her accomplishments during the life of her husband and after his death are noteworthy. She was an unselfish and devoted wife and great source of encouragement to her husband, an author, an editor, a mother for two sons who also were pastors, a resource and supporter to pastors all over the world.

Changes that Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud

The subtitle reads Four Practical Steps to a Happier Healthier You.

This is a powerful and insightful book about bonding and boundaries giving us four essential ingredients to personal growth. These ingredients include (1) bonding with other (2) separation from others (3) sorting out issues of good and bad and (4) taking charge as an adult. Each of these areas need to be developed in us if we are to become a health adult.

Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado

The subtitle reads Living the Power of the Cross.

Lucado talks about anchor points, boulders which act as an anchor holding us from being swept away when the storms of life come our way. There are three anchor points that will help us to stand against any storm. Lucado talks about three specific storms futility, failure and finality.

Each anchor point was planted firmly in the bedrock of Christ’s redemptive work of the cross. It was accomplished in one day, during six hours one Friday.

Gods of Ground Zero by Carl Gallups

The subtitle reads The Truth of Eden’s Iniquity, Why it Still Matters, and the Mystery Surrounding What’s Coming Next.

The third chapter of Genesis happens to be the foundational platform for the entire biblical message. Everything wrong with the world including what is wrong with our personal lives is directly linked to the events of Genesis chapter three.

Why then is this chapter frequently portrayed as a mythological childlike bedtime story with a mysterious garden, mysterious trees, our original parents, God, a talking serpent and angelic guardians? How do we explain the details of Genesis three? Did these events really happen? What is the significance of the events of Genesis three?

Gods of Ground Zero addresses these questions and many more.

Jesus Manifesto by Leonard Sweet & Frank Viola

The subtitle reads Restoring the Supremacy and Sovereignty of Jesus Christ

This book answers the question first asked by Jesus “Who do you say that I am?” This question must be answered by each new generation in every culture. If this question is answered wrong than we get everything in life wrong.

Our mission as the Church is simply to lift Him up in a context that our culture can understand and appreciate. Whenever this happens, the rest will take care of itself.

Angels by Dr. Michael Heiser

The subtitle reads What The Bible Really Says About God’s Heavenly Host.

Michael Heiser covers Angelology in a way different from most books written about angels. He trances what the Bible and second temple Jewish literature says about these spiritual beings. The book stays true to the Bible, it is not guided by Christian tradition, angelic myths or modern stories about angels, in fact this book clears up a lot of misinformation about angels.

What is Man? By Edgar Andrews

The subtitle asks a second question Adam, Alien or Ape? offering some possible answers to the first question What is Man?

Professor and scientist Edgar Andrews looks at the question “What is Man?” He examines this question with care and courtesy first from the Non-Christian viewpoint before presenting the Christian viewpoint.

The author takes complex scientific subject material and makes it understandable.

Never God Back by Dr. Henry Cloud

The subtitle reads 10 things you’ll never do again.

Cloud identities destructive patterns and behaviors that we should never go back to. These common patterns and behaviors practiced by people keep them from reaching their goals and sabotage their life. Practices like returning to what hasn’t worked in the past or choosing short term comfort over long term benefit. The author coaches us how to throw off these destructive patterns.

The Untold Story of the New Testament Church by Frank Viola

The subtitle reads, An Extraordinary Guide to Understanding the New Testament.

Frank Viola blends together the drama we find in the New Testament producing one fluid story. The book guides the reader through each New Testament book in chronological order giving the historical background. The book reads like one grant unfolding story.