Cross Vision by Gregory A. Boyd

The subtitle reads How the Crucifixion of Jesus Makes Sense of Old Testament Violence.

This book is a scholarly look at the violent portraits of God in the Old Testament. Boyd invites us to ask the question “What else is going on here?” when we come across these Old Testament portions of scripture. Out of all the apologetical books I have read on this subject this book has some of the most plausible explanations for these problem scripture passages.

Staying is the New Going by Alan Briggs

The subtitle reads Choosing to Love Where God Places You.

Alan Briggs presents a powerful argument for ministering to those around you, those who live in your neighborhood, at your school, your place of business, your town or city. Your mission field is not necessarily over-seas but it is right where you live. God has called us to make an impact in our own corner of the world. We are to make a difference right where we are.

Love & Respect in the Family by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

The subtitle reads The Respect Parents Desire, The Love Children Need.

This book covers the same principles found in Love & Respect applying them to the parent child relationship.

The first part of the book teaches the parent how to decode and defuse the conflicts that arises in the parent child relationship.

The second part of the book looks at some powerful principles that can energize love & respect in the parent child relationship.

The third part of the book talks about how God blesses those who love & respect unconditionally.

Love & Respect by Dr. Emmerson Eggerichs

The subtitle reads The Love She Most Desires, The Respect He Desperately Needs.

I read this book years ago when it was first published only to read it again just recently.

A great book on marital relationships based on Ephesians 5:33.

The book talks about how the wife can fulfill her need to be loved by giving her husband what he needs respect.

The first part of book talks about the Crazy Cycle those things that happen in a marriage when the needs of the wife and the husband are not met.

The second part of the book deal with the Energizing Cycle how the husband can fulfill the wife and how the wife can fulfill the husband.

The third part of the book deals with the Reward Cycle how God blesses those who honor His Word to love and respect.

The Art of Neighboring by Jay Pathak & Dave Runyon

The subtitle reads Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door.

This book encourages the believer to take seriously the command in Luke 10 to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Who is my neighbor? The people who live on your street.

A good neighbor will try to take steps to build a relationship with those in his neighborhood. This often takes time moving from stranger to acquaintance to relationship but the benefits outweigh the inconvenience.

The Art of Neighboring a book that can change you and your neighborhood.

Praying For Your Elephant by Adam Stadtmiller

The subtitle reads Boldly Approaching Jesus With Radical and Audacious Prayer.

This is not just another book about the how to’s of prayer but a book that inspires and encourages one to pray. A book that helps you survey your prayer life and critically think through not only what you believe about prayer but how you actually pray. The book is full of many great illustrations and stories.

A Practical Guide to Culture by John Stonestreet & Brett Kunkle

The subtitle reads Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World.

This book is divided into four parts. The first part of the book deals with the cultural framework we find themselves living in. Part two of the book talks about the subtle influence our culture put on us. Part three deals with specific cultural issues we face such as pornography, sexual orientation, gender identity, addiction, entertainment and racial tension. Part four of the book looks at the Christian worldview.

Each chapter contains a set of questions to help you review and absorb the content of the chapter. The book is set up to help parents equip their children to face the challenges that our culture presents.

God is Good by Bill Johnson

The subtitle reads He’s Better Than You Think.

God is Good is a truth that the world doesn’t understand especially in light of books like God is Not Good by Christopher Hitchens. How can the world “get it” the truth that God is good if the Church doesn’t even “get it.” Bill Johnson talks about a civil war within the Church over this issue of God’s goodness. God gets accused of being responsible for tragedy, pain, sickness and death and these experiences in our life re-enforce the view that God is not as good as the Bible claims. This book addresses this important subject that needs to be clarified.

Thriving in Babylon by Larry Osborne

The subtitle reads Why Hope, Humility and Wisdom Matter in a Godless Culture.

In today’s cultural environment Christians are treated with a marginalizing indifference to outright hostility. How are we to live in a culture that is indifferent or even hostile to our Christian faith? The prophet Daniel lived in a similar cultural context in Babylon. Larry Osborne points out how Daniel lived and thrived in an cultural environment hostile to his faith.

The Road to Character by David Brooks

This book provokes the reader to rethink their priorities. It encourages the reader to make of primary importance the building of one’s inner life characterized by humility and moral depth. Brooks uses certain historical figures, politicians, social activists, philosophers, and authors to illustrate this road to character.

Cold – Case Christianity For Kids by J. Warner Wallace & Susie Wallace

The subtitle reads Investigate Jesus with a Real Detective.

The book enables kids to investigate Biblical truth and the claims of the Gospels by using the tools that a detective would use to investigate any crime scene. The book looks at principles like how to find truth, examining important kinds of evidence, testing a witness, looking for tampered evidence, spotting truth when you hear it, and discovering why lies are hard to keep. This book will help your child to investigate Biblical truth claims and instill in them that the gospels can hold up to honest examination and scrutiny.

Talking with Your Kids about God by Natasha Crain

The subtitle reads 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have.

The book is divided into 5 parts, each part covers a major apological theme written in language that both parents and children can understand. This book is intended to help educate the parent enabling them to pass this information on to their children. The book is set up to teach kids through conversations on relevant apological themes such as the Existence of God, Science and God, The Nature of God, Belief in God, and the Difference God Makes.

When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

The subtitle reads How to Alleviate Poverty without Hurting the Poor and Yourself.

This book introduces the reader to principles and practices of poverty alleviation at the household and community level. It describes a number of tools, techniques, interventions and processes that churches and ministries can use to work with materially poor people more effectively including the poor in your community and the poor on the other side of the world.

The Permanent Revolution by Alan Hirsch & Tim Catchim

The subtitle reads Apostolic Imagination and Practice for the 1st Century Church.

This is a book that looks at the ascension gifts found in Ephesians 4 the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd and Teacher (the APEST ministry) giving particular attention to the Apostolic gift.

Part one of the book looks at Ephesians 4 and examines the entire APEST ministry.

Part two examines the apostolic ministry.

Part three focuses in on apostolic leadership.

Part four focuses in on apostolic organization.

The book is very academic but in my opinion a must read for all leaders.

A Call To Action by Jimmy Carter

The subtitle reads Women, Religion, Violence, and Power.

Jimmy Carter the 39th President of the United States authored this book about discrimination and violence against women. The book deals with topic like gender equality, femicide, rape, female sex slavery, prostitution, spouse abuse, honor killing, child marriage, genital cutting and dowry death all crimes against women.

Forensic Faith by J. Warner Wallace

The subtitle reads A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith.

In this book Detective Wallace makes a case for making a case for Christianity. We now live in a culture that has become increasingly skeptical about the Christian Faith. We need to be able to respond to this skepticism with strong, reasoned and compelling answers for our faith. Every Christian need to know, not only what they believe but also why they believe it. Forensic Faith is a great book to help start you on this journey.

God has a name by John Mark Comer

What we think about God will shape our destiny in life. What we think about God is the most important thing about us. Who God is has a profound implication on who we are.

The book, God has a name is based on Exodus 34:6-7 and is divided into four sections. Section one talks about the original Hebrew name of God as revealed in Exodus 34. Section two looks at passages of scripture that are quoted from Exodus 34, how other Biblical figures walk in the truth of Who God is. Section three looks at how Jesus reveals to us what God is like. Section four talks about What who God is means for who we are and how this has the potential to reshape our lives.

How Christianity Changed the World by Alvin I. Schmidt

Schmidt carefully documents how Christianity has dramatically improved our world across the centuries. Christianity is largely responsible for hospitals, our universities, the public education system, women’s rights, charities, our justice system, labor laws, the abolition of slavery, libraries, morality, and modern science.

“No other religion, philosophy, teaching, nation, movement whatever has so changed the world for the better as Christianity has done.”

By which we are saved by Preston Condra & Kelly Condra

The subtitle reads Sharing The Gospel With Confidence.

The title of the book is based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 which gives us the essential core of the Gospel. The book covers the Who, What, Why, How and Where of the Gospel. The Condra’s emphasize the importance of knowing and communicating the essences of the Gospel to others in an age of easy believism and confusion about what the Gospel message is.

The purpose of the book is to equip the believer to share the gospel with confidence.