The Book of Enoch Re-Presented by Robert Bagley

The book of Enoch is an interesting book to read. It is a book that the 1st Century Jews and Christians were familiar with and is quoted in the New Testament by Jude. Many of the New Testament descriptions of hell come from the book of Enoch. The New Testament authors had read and were familiar with the book of Enoch. It is not a book included in the canon of scripture but it is none the less a book worth reading.

Book of Enoch by Dr. A. Nyland

Dr. Nyland has created an information booklet on the three books of Enoch.

The first book of Enoch also called the Ethiopic Book of Enoch it talks about the Watchers a class of angel who corrupted mankind.

The second book of Enoch also called the Slavonic Book of Enoch or the Secrets of Enoch and it talks about two angles taking Enoch through the seven heavens.

The third book of Enoch also called the Hebrew Book of Enoch and the Book of Palaces is about Merkabah Mysticism which is a form of early Jewish mysticism.

The first book of Enoch is the book which the 1st Century Jews and Christians were familiar with and quoted in the New Testament.

Counter Culture by David Platt

Platt talks about the hot button social issues of our day like poverty, sex slavery and ethnicity. The Christian is applauded by the world for our social action on these issues. But the church is called to live a counter cultural life style. We must also speak out on the more controversial issues like abortion, sexual morality and religious liberty.

Platt speaks into all of these issues in the book Counter Culture.

Divine Direction by Craig Groeschel

The subtitle reads 7 Decisions That Will Change Your Life.

Groeschel looks at 7 decision making principles that if made today with God guidance can result in a positive future impact in our life. Life is the sum of all our choices.

7 decisions start, stop, stay, go, serve, connect, trust this is the basic outline of the book. What should we start and what should we stop? Should we stay in our present situation or should we go? Are we involved in serving others? Who are we connected with and Who or What do we trust? These decisions are so simple yet they can have such a profound impact in our life.

The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges

The subtitle reads God’s Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness.

Bridges seeks to relate the Biblical principle of living by grace to the Biblical principle of personal discipline. How do these two Biblical concepts fit together? Developing a life of discipline can easily lead to a mentality of religious performance yet the Bible calls us to walk by grace free of religious performance. The book does a nice job of giving us the balance.

Loveology by John Mark Comer

The subtitle of the book reads God, Love, Marriage, Sex, and the Never-Ending Story of Male and Female.

John Mark Comer a pastor in Portland, Oregon gives us a refreshing look at the Biblical view of love, relationships, singleness, marriage and sexuality.

Reversing Hermon by Dr. Michael Heiser

The subtitle reads Enoch, the Watchers & the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ.

What is the reason for evil in the world? Most Evangelical Christians will respond with the answer the fall of man recorded in Genesis 3. This is the right answer but not the complete answer according to Michael Heiser an ancient language expert. Another reason for the proliferation of evil in the world is the sin of the Watchers recorded in Genesis 6 and further elaborated in the book of Enoch. This was part of the belief system of the 1st century Jews and the early Christians who were familiar with the book of Enoch.

Dr. Michael Heiser presents some powerful arguments concerning the proliferation of evil in the world and the extent of God’s plan of redemption through Christ.

Light & Death by Michael Sabrom

The subtitle reads One Doctor’s Account of Near-Death Experiences.

Doctor Sabrom examines the Near-Death Experiences (NDE’s) of 160 difference people over 2 years. The Atlanta Study is the first comprehensive investigation of its kind into NDE’s. Dr. Michael Sabrom shares his findings in this book.

They Found the Secret by V. Raymond Edman

The subtitle says 20 Transformed Lives That Reveal a Touch of Eternity.

Edman talks about 20 men and women, outstanding Christian like John Bunyan, Oswald Chamber, Amy Carmichael, Charles Finney, Dwight L. Moody, Andrew Murray and J. Hudson Taylor who’s lives have been transformed by God. Each one of these persons came to a similar crisis point in their Christian experience that propelled them into deeper relationship with God changing their life and ministry.

These Christians found the secret of “the exchanged life” a term first used by Hudson Taylor to describe what it means to know Christ as our sufficiency in all thing

Blind Spots by Collin Hansen

The subtitle of the book reads Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate and Commissioned Church.

The contemporary evangelical church has three main responses to the world. The church responds to the world with our heart, our head or our hands to use the words of the author with compassion, courage or commission.

Those in the church who respond in compassion are committed to meeting the needs of others. Some have called this the social gospel. Others in the church who respond to the world with courage are committed to courageously living out the truth of the gospel. Still others in the church are committed to the mission of proclaiming the gospel to the world.

Christian fall into one of these three categories while ignoring the other two the author calls these blind spots.

Persian Springs by Pauline Selby

The subtitle reads four Iranians see Jesus.

Persian Springs tells the stories of four Iranians whose lives are changed through a supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ. Khosrow, Hessam, Afarin and Dr. Hedayat all have fascinating story of how God brought to them a revelation of Jesus Christ through supernatural means.

Other books reviewed on this subject:

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity by Nabeel Qureshi July 11, 2015

Hiding in the Light: Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus by Rifqa Bary April 21, 2016

Captive In Iran by Maryam Rostampour & Marziyeh Amirizadeh with John Perry March 4, 2017

Islam and North America by Micah Fries & Keith Whitfield June 6, 2019

Dreams and Visions is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World? By Tom Doyle March 30, 2020.

The Misunderstood God by Darin Hufford

The subtitle reads The lies religion tells about God.

All of us have believed unhealthy things about God and these lies have affected our relationship with God. This book exposes these false beliefs about God. Hufford looks at 15 different false beliefs such as God the Divine Manipulator, God the List-Keeper, the Untrustworthy God, the Disinterested God and the Distant God. These are a few of the lies that Christians have believed about the character of God and of course these beliefs are reinforced from hurtful life experiences.

Destined to Win by Kris Vallotton

The subtitle reads How to Embrace Your God-Given Identity and Realize Your Kingdom Purpose.

Using the words of Kris Vallotton. Have you ever sat daily at the porch of possibility longing to be discovered? Do you pray for a big break and dream of a better life? Do you see life as a well of untapped potential? If these questions reflect what is in your heart than this book is for you.

The book is full of wisdom, inspiration and encouragement in finding identity, purpose and destiny.

Unexplained Mysteries of Heaven and Earth by Ron Phillips

Ron Phillips attempts to give explanation to 21 Biblical mysteries found in the Scriptures. A mystery is something that has been concealed but is now revealed. Every time the New Testament uses the word mystery it always refers to God revealing a truth.

Phillips examines Old Testament mysteries like the days of Noah, Sodom & Gomorrah, Melchizedek, Mount Sinai and New Testament mysteries like Christ, the Magi, the empty tomb, the Church, the rapture and eternity.

You Are What You Love by James K. A. Smith

The subtitle of the book reads The Spiritual Power of Habit.

We have all heard the old saying "you are what you eat" this book declares "you are what you love." Who or what we love/worship shapes our heart. You are what you love but you might not love what you think. The book talks about the power culture has over our lives but we also must recognize the transforming effect Christian practice has on our heart.

The Will of God as a Way of Life by Gerald Sittser

The subtitle to the book reads Finding and Following the Will of God. Sittser book is unique and refreshing unlike other books I have read on the Will of God. I love the stories he tells especially his personal stories. This book is filled with wisdom, encouragement and hope for the Christian attempting to navigate this life seeking to follow the will of God.

UFO’s and the Christian Worldview by Jeff Gerke

Jeff Gerke talks about a topic that most Christians ignore. Multitudes of people in the last 50 years have had experiences with UFO’s and/or aliens. How does the Christian address this subject? Gerke brings us some insightful research on this phenomena from a Christian perspective.

Mystery Babylon by Joel Richardson

The subtitle of the book reads Unlocking the Bible’s Greatest Prophetic Mystery. Richardson examines Revelation 17 &18 looking at the various Biblical interpretations of these two chapters. He proposes that the final world empire in the last days will be Islamic. Richardson puts forth some very persuasive arguments looking at present current events in the middle east.