Everyman’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker with Mike Yorkey

I first read this book in 2006 and have recommended it to other men ever since. The sub-title of the book reads Every Man’s Guide to Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time. Today sexual temptation come through the media in every possible way making it impossible to avoid. This book offers practical help for men in gaining victory over sexual temptation.

Captive In Iran by Maryam Rostampour & Marziyeh Amirizadeh with John Perry

The sub-title of this book reads “a remarkable true story of hope and triumph amid the horror of Tehran’s brutal Evin prison.”  This book tells a fascinating story of how two young women born in Muslim homes expressed their faith as Christians in Iran a strict Muslim state. Both women were zealous followers of Jesus, they were not quiet about their faith, had a house Church in their apartment and literally passed out 1,000’s of copies of the New Testament in Tehran. They were eventually arrested and imprisoned facing rejection, brutal treatment and possible execution by the judicial system in Iran because of their faith in Christ.

Derek Prince A Biography by Stephen Mansfield

The fascinating story of Derek Prince born in India, educated in the most prestigious schools in England, spent the 2nd World War in Northern African, lived in Israel when it became a nation in 1948, raised 8 girls, started a church in London, taught in a Bible College in Vancouver, became a prominent teacher of the Charismatic Movement in the 60’s and 70’s.

An inspiring story of a great Bible teacher, a teacher for our time.

The First Born Advantage by Dr. Kevin Leman

Both Cathy and myself are first born children and this book gave us a lot of insight into who we are.

Dr. Kevin Leman has written a number of books on birth order.

Birth order has everything to do with your place in the family and of course this translates into your place in life. The book offer all kinds of insights into the personality of the first born explaining why firstborns are the way they are.

The book spends a lot to time talking about the advantages of being a firstborn thus the title The First Born Advantage.

Bonhoeffer Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident in Germany during the II World War. His book The Cost of Discipleship is a modern classic.

He is best known for his resistance of Nazism and Hitler’s genocidal persecution of the Jews.

Toward the end of the war he was arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo and was executed days before the war ended.

This book tells his story.

Experiencing Union with God Through Inner Prayer & The Way and Results of Union with God by Madame Jeanne Guyon

These two books were written by Madame Guyon in the mid-1600’s. Thousands of people read her books all over France and Europe. Her writing was one of reasons she was put into prison because it was look upon by some as heretical.

These two classics on prayer and experiencing God have been revised, put into modern English and placed into one volume.

John Wesley, Watchman Nee and Hudson Taylor have read and been inspired by her writing.

Autobiography of Madame Jeanne Guyon

Madame Guyon was a French mystic who lived in the 17th century. Although she had wealthy parents her life was filled with hardship and persecution because of her determination to love God. Guyon was either proclaimed a great teacher or denounced as a heretic for her writings. She was imprisoned from 1695 to 1703 after publishing a book called A Short and Easy Method of Prayer. Her autobiography was written from prison. She has been described as “the woman who loved Christ too much.”

Autobiography of Charles Finney

Charles Finney an American Presbyterian minister and one of the leaders of the Second Great Awakening in America. Finney is best known as a revivalist and many of the practices he began are still used today in the Church.

Two things stand out to me from his autobiography (1) how God used Finney to bring significant change to a Church congregation and the town or city where he preached. (2) His dependence on prayer.

The Monkey and the Fish by Dave Gibbons

The subtitle reads Liquid Leadership for a Third-Culture Church. This is one of a series of books from the Leadership Network Innovation Series.

The book explores the idea of becoming a third-culture leader in a third-culture church. Third culture is a term used by sociologists referring to children raised in a foreign culture by parents who are missionaries or foreign-service workers. Sociologists observe that children in such circumstances must adjust to a foreign culture while also considering their own indigenous culture. This illustrates how the Christian leader is to live and work in the present climate of our culture.

7 Women and the Secret of their Greatness by Eric Tetaxas

The book looks at the lives of seven inspiring women. Women like Susanna Wesley the Mother of Methodism, Hannah More an outspoken advocate of educational reform and an Abolitionist, Corrie Ten Boom an evangelist of forgiveness, Rosa Parks the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement and Mother Teresa.

This book is such an inspiration for both men and women.

Know Your Why: Finding and Fulfilling Your Calling in Life by Ken Costa

Why am I here? Why am I here in this city? Why am I here in this job, at this church, in this group? Where should I be going? What should I be doing? How should I be living? All of these questions have to do with purpose and direction in life.

This “why” is at the heart of the Christian faith it’s referred to in the Bible as our calling. To know your why is to know your calling. Know your why find and fulfill your calling in life.

Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan

This book was John Bunyan’s first book written in 1666 during his first imprisonment. Most people know John Bunyan as the author of Pilgrim’s Progress. These two books have a lot in common Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners is a narrative of John Bunyan’s life giving a clear historical background to Pilgrim’s Progress an allegory of John Bunyan’s life.

The Autobiography of George Muller by George Muller

There are a number of things that spoke to me about George Muller’s autobiography. (1) His love for the most destitute of England in the 1800’s the orphans. (2) His active faith and (3) his support of missionaries all over the world.

George Muller is best known for his care and education of over 10,000 orphans in Bristol, England. He also established 117 schools which offered Christian education for over 120,000 children.

All of his accomplishments came through prayer and faith. Muller took all of his needs to God alone he never made them public.

The Fire of Delayed Answers by Bob Sorge

The book asks the question Are you waiting for your prayers to be answered? Many of us find ourselves in this situation. The central principle of the book is that sometimes God delays the answers to our prayers in order to produce a greater maturity in us.

The book gives reasons to why our prayers may be delayed and gives practical advice for walking in faith until the answer comes.

The Gospel in Ten Words by Paul Ellis

Unfortunately many in the Church today see the love of God through the distorted lens of performance-based Christianity. This is a cultural value that has been adapted by the Church not a true belief in Biblical grace.

Paul Ellis’s book The Gospel in Ten Words spells out in ten words the Biblical meaning of grace. This book declares the good news of a Father who loves us unconditionally and a glorious salvation purchased for us through Christ’s all-sufficient sacrificial death on the cross.

Joan of Arc: A History by Helen Castor

An accurate history on the life of Joan of Arc. The first couple of chapters give the historical and political context that Joan the Maid confronted. The middle section of the book talks about this remarkable and courageous nineteen-year-old woman. Joan the Maid believed that God called her to defeat the English and reunite France under the rightful heir of the French throne Charles VII. The last part of the book talks about what happened after her death what Joan the Maid set out to accomplish was in fact fulfilled.

This book gives some amazing historical insights into the life, trial and death of Joan of Arc.

The Bait of Satan by John Bevere

This is a book I have read a couple of times. The bait Satan used to trap the Christian in sin is offense. Sometime in our life we are going to experience offense and it is during these times that we must decide to deal with our offenses in a proper Biblical way.

The book is a study on the topic of offense, what is offense? Biblical example of offense. How Satan uses offense to trap us. How to escape this trap.