The Battle for the Keys by Justin W. Bass

The subtitle reads Revelation 1:18 and Christ’s Descent into the Underworld.

Chapter One – Many of the early Christian writers affirm Christ’s descent into Hades and spoke about it frequently in their writing.

Chapter Two – It is virtually unanimous that in the O.T., Greco-Roman world, and during the Intertestamental period that all mankind descended to Sheol/Hades.

Chapter Three – To possess keys in the ancient world was symbolic for possessing authority and power.

Chapter Four – Explores the different compartments of the underworld. Death, Hades, Paradise, the Lake of Fire, Hell, Tartarus and the Abyss.

Chapter Five – Is an exegetical discussion the fundamental passages in the New Testament concerning the Descent of Jesus into Hades.

Chapter Six – Death and Hades are seen as personified in Rev. 1:18. Christ has stripped Satan of his power and authority over Death and Hades, Christ alone possesses that power.

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