The Case For Easter by Lee Strobel

The subtitle read A Journalist Investigates Evidence for the Resurrection.

This book examines three major evidences for the death and resurrection of Jesus.

First, did Jesus really die or was the resurrection a hoax? Strobel interviews Dr. Alexander Metherell a prominent physician who has extensively studied the historical, archaeological and medical data surrounding the death of Jesus. The evidence supports that Jesus did die as a result of crucifixion.

Second, was the body of Jesus really absent from his tomb? Strobel interviews Willian Lane Craig considered to be one of the world’s foremost experts on the resurrection of Christ. He argues that there is conclusive proof that the tomb was vacant on the first Easter Sunday morning and offers compelling proof for the resurrection of Jesus.

Third, was Jesus seen alive after his death on the cross? Strobel interviews Gary Habermas the author of seven book on the subject of the resurrection of Jesus. Habermas talks about the compelling eye witness testimony of those who saw the resurrected Jesus after his death on the cross.

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