Popologetics: Popular Culture in Christian Perspective by Ted Turnau
We all live is this culture and we are all influenced by it. Christians have developed various ways of responding to the influences of our culture, covered in detail in part 2 of the book. Turnau attempts to explain how the Christian should engage non-Christian popular culture. He says "this book is for those who want to be able to give an intelligent, warmhearted, biblical answer back to the worldviews presented in popular culture."
Turnau give us five key questions to ask when dealing with a popular-culture text. A popular-culture text come to us in the form of popular music, graphic novels, television shows, movies, video games and magazine articles. The book illustrates and explains how the Christian can read and respond to popular culture through asking these five key questions.
What's the story?
Where am I (the world of the text)?
What's good and true and beautiful about it?
What's false and ugly and perverse about it (and how do I subvert that)?
How does the gospel apply here?